The role of colors in clinical and therapeutic spaces with a healing architectural approach

The role of colors in clinical and therapeutic spaces with a healing architectural approach

The study of the role of color in clinical and therapeutic spaces with the approach of human healing architecture has long been influenced by the colors of nature. Colors have always surrounded human beings and influenced and influenced them. The world of colors is a very beautiful, diverse, and imaginative world. Color has a natural and effective effect. Color can affect a person's psyche. It is healing and invigorating and induces various sensations in human beings.
If human beings strengthen their sense of color, they will have better control over their emotions and, as a result, will establish better harmony between their bodies and souls. The influence of colors and their effect on the mind and body has been proven in various ways, and their correct and incorrect use will have many negative and positive effects on our lives. Various studies have been done on the effects of colors on the human mind and body, creating happiness or depression, and mental and physical balance.
 Hospital is a manifestation of space architecture in which the category of color can be used as an architectural element affecting the users of this space, who are generally patients. If the color factor is used correctly in hospitals and medical centers, from micro-scale to large scale, we can plan more effectively and scientifically in creating mental focus and increasing the feeling of calm in the environment, as well as creating a desire to be in space. Let's act. The designers of today's hospitals have broken almost all the previous rules regarding the restrictions on the use of light and different colors and their combination with each other in hospitals, and today, almost any color can be seen in the decoration of hospitals. Finally, it can be claimed that today's hospital is an architectural combination of an environment for the treatment process, a space to provide services for the well-being of people along with the use of modern methods of construction and control of energy consumption. Who are always looking for scientific evidence-based solutions for hospital engineers and interior designers to use a variety of colors and light in medical centers. Healthcare providers, architects, designers, and hospital managers believe that the hospital environment can affect the mood, anxiety, and overall satisfaction of patients and their families and staff. Healing architecture is an architecture to improve the effects of the environment on the patient. Healing architecture is the humanistic architecture for creating well-being in the hospital, well-being that reduces the length of treatment. The goal is to accelerate the improvement of mental and physical health through architecture. Four factors play an important role as an indicator of interior design in this issue: reducing patient stress and creating peace, increasing patient enjoyment of space, the possibility of patient intervention in the existence Bringing space There is a significant relationship between the principles of healing architecture and the duration of treatment.

Observance of indicators and principles of healing architecture in therapeutic spaces has a significant effect on the comfort and well-being of patients, which accelerates the healing process. Healing environments can easily be defined as environmental factors that contribute to mental improvement. Unlike treatment, healing is a mental and spiritual concept; Recently, more attention has been paid to the construction and creation of healing environments, because people's mental health has a great impact on the life and development of society. Among various theories, the environment is considered as a factor influencing human behavior. With the advancement of knowledge of environmental psychology, human beings and their behavior are no longer affected by the environment but interact with the process of formation of the environment. Regarding the impact of environment and architecture on behavior, we can point to 3 perspectives: Architectural algebra: From this perspective, architecture and the environment will be the cause of behavior in the individual. Environmental voluntarism: In this view, the individual choice will cause behavior. Environmental Probability: This attitude is mediocre from the previous two perspectives. Environmental stressors are factors that will cause stress in a person due to their threatening role. These include noise, heat and humidity, and a feeling of congestion.

color psychology
The psychology of color means the influence of the environment on the mind and mood of people through coloring in space. This is especially important in therapeutic settings. The effect of color on the psyche and mental states is through its stimulating effects on sensory receptors and the processing of these stimuli in the brain. The use of various colors causes the loss of uniformity in the environment and does not create a feeling of boredom in users and prevents the weakening of their senses and nervous system. Those who have to stay in places such as nursing homes, hospitals, and similar institutions are in dire need of a variety of colors, shapes, and works of art integrated into the interior design of their surroundings because observing these points strengthens the nervous system in These people become and increase their brain activity. Living in a monotonous environment with white walls and devoid of patterns, traces and geometric shapes causes the brain not to perform the required neural activity and loses its health. Skillful use of color can help overcome the sensory deprivation caused by visual stimuli that occur in monotonous environments. Of course, the use of these items should be done in a balanced way, because its excessive use causes mental disorders, confusion, anxiety, and deprivation of comfort. In modern psychology, colors are one of the criteria for measuring personality; Because each color has a special mental and physical effect on the person and indicates his mental and physical condition. One of the most common categories of colors psychologically, based on the general and general feelings of people, they are divided into two groups of cold and warm colors:

Cool colors
Colors of blue, blue and green, purple (dual color), etc. are considered cool colors. Cool colors are known to be soothing, yet they have little visual stimulation. Under cold light, time passes faster, objects weigh lighter and the room looks bigger. Therefore, cool colors should be used where uniform, repetitive, and hard work is done. Small spaces also look bigger with cool colors. When using cool colors, you should pay attention to the possibility of a boring environment in which these colors prevail.

Warm colors
The colors of the spectrum of red, yellow, red, and purple (dual color), etc. are among the warm colors. Warm colors have a higher visual stimulation and can be used to create movement and excitement in the environment. The use of warm and energetic colors in environments that have the characteristics of depression, boredom, and stillness, is effective in creating a feeling of warmth, vitality, and happiness. Under warm light, time passes longer, and objects appear larger and heavier, and the room space appears smaller. In the use of warm colors, it is necessary to pay attention to the possibility of excessive mobility, mental disorders, visual disturbance, anxiety in the environment in which these colors predominate. Creating a pleasant environment will be very helpful. In the following, the characteristics of each color will be examined.
Red: Red is extremely invigorating and invigorating. In psychology, red intensifies emotions, creates excitement, invigorates, activates the sympathetic nerve. If too much red is used, it can lead to emotional distress and severely irritate the nervous system. This color increases schizophrenia. The use of red in all stressful, tense, and crowded spaces to prevent negative nerve stimulation is prohibited.
Yellow: The most influential point in the human body that can be affected by the color yellow is the human mind. All of a person's mental activity is triggered by the force of yellow. On the other hand, it is useful for eliminating adversity, despair, and hopelessness. Yellow is one of the most important colors recommended by psychologists to treat depression in patients. This color creates a spirit of vitality and happiness in people and strengthens the desire to live in humans. Constantly seeing yellow in a large area causes a visual disturbance, visual interference, eye fatigue, eye pain. Nervous patients and people who are not in a good mental state should not be exposed to yellow for a long time.
Blue: Invites us to immobility, calmness, and patience. It deeply relaxes the nervous system but is not suitable for people with depression. Because it reduces the activity and excitement they need. Excessive use of blue may cause mental disorders and nervousness. Blue reduces respiration, blood pressure, and body heat. Therefore, the color is very suitable for mental patients (nervous and aggressive patients), heart patients, intensive care patients, hospitalization, etc. Blue can have a soothing effect on insomnia.

Green: The best treatment for mental illness and mental disorders, sedative, relieves nervous fatigue, increases tolerance, and is very effective in strengthening feelings of friendship, hope, faith, and peace. This color is not suitable for people with depression because it reduces their activity and vitality. It is recommended to use this color in all spaces where there is a need to maintain calm, focus, and reduce stress and tension.
Orange: Orange is known as an anti-fatigue color. This color is one of the colors that cause vitality and happiness in a person and is recommended by psychologists and psychiatrists to treat depression in patients. This color increases the feelings of socialization. The use of orange in all stressful, tense, and crowded spaces to prevent negative nerve stimulation is prohibited. Intense colors with high visual stimulation, such as orange, increase schizophrenia.
Purple: Purple is used for mental disorders, such as schizophrenia. Purple is very effective in reducing hatred and anger. Its emotional effect is related to reducing feelings of hatred, irritability, and anger. Lilac purple is a nostalgic and sad color and is not suitable for people with depression.
Gray and Neutral Colors: Neutral colors and colors that are combined with or faded with gray are known as sedatives and anxiolytics. Neutral colors such as beige, gray, and cream can be very useful for interiors. Excessive use of gray colors in the hospital should be avoided because it causes low visual irritation and dullness of the environment and may lead to depression.
White: In hospital settings, white or light colors are given more attention due to their implications for hygiene and cleanliness among patients and staff. However, it should be noted that excessive use of one color causes uniformity and it should be ensured that a certain variety of interiors is used to provide visual appeal. Evidence suggests that a completely white environment may reduce visual acuity and lead to laxity, depression, and anxiety in long-term residents.